Walter Niedermayr
Walter Niedermayr, born in Bozen, in 1952, works and lives in Bozen, Italy.
Since the 1980s Walter Niedermayr has been developing projects where he investigated the space as reality occupied and shaped by man, questioning the apparently secondary realms between representation and imagination.
As a part of allmeinde commonground art projects, Niedermayr was invited by Gerold and Katia Schneider over a period of 48 months to come and explore the landscape around Lech. As a result some of the created artwork was exhibited in Allmeinde and their first book was published.
Lech Albona 15/2016 Ed.1/6- 6 teilig
Panel 84x104cm Installation 171x 318cmLech Zürsertäli 05/2016 Ed.1/6 2 teilig
Panel 84x104cm Installation 171x104cmallmeinde commongrounds exhibition
„Raumaneignungen, Lech 2015-16“
Next Artist: Axel Hütte